A $250 registration fee is required at the time of registration.

The 2024-2025 Kindergarten class applications are currently at capacity.  We welcome registrations for the Kindergarten class of 2025-2026.

When to Register

Families can register two years out prior to the start of the Kindergarten.  Registrations are dated at the time they are received in the school office. Class openings are filled on a first-come basis according to the following criteria:

  • Children of current school families;
  • Children of active/registered parishioners;
  • Children from families who have changed residence and were active, registered participants in another Catholic parish;
  • Children from families who have been registered in St. Mary Parish but not actively participating for at least six months, children from Catholic families outside the parish; and,
  • Children of non-Catholic families.


St. Mary parishioners and families with children attending St. Mary School will receive priority consideration for available class openings until November 1, the year prior to enrollment.

St. Mary will contact you in November/December of the year prior to the start of the Kindergarten school year to schedule a Kindergarten Assessment in January.

As in all grades, children attending Kindergarten at SMS have the first choice of the available spaces in the next grade (in this case, first grade) the following year.

At the time of Enrollment:

  • A Birth Certificate must be presented at the time of enrollment.
  • Proof of Residence is required for those who reside in the Cincinnati Public School district (i.e. a copy of a current utility bill).
  • Medical Records: Before a child may attend any school in the State of Ohio he/she must meet the following vaccination requirements:
  • four or more doses of DPT
  • one rubella vaccine
  • four or more doses of Polio vaccine
  • one measles vaccine the second MMR
  • Record of these vaccines must be submitted to St. Mary School before the child will be admitted to class.

Kindergarten Brochure